Care and well-being in the sustainable management of water systems in South African cities
Care and well-being in the sustainable management of water systems in South African cities.
Care and well-being in the sustainable management of water systems in South African cities.
Theorise: Debating the southeastern turn in urban theories. Edited by Oren Yiftachel and Nisa Mammon. Publisher: African Centre for Cities. Cape Town.2022
Planning and Design Research on the use of Sustainable Urban Drainage Systems (SUDS) in Gauteng Province - Urban Planning Component
Prepared for the South African Cities Network.
Prepared for the South African Cities Network.
Masilonyane Mokhele
Prepared for the South African Cities Network.
In Pieterse Edgar ed. (2010) Counter Currents: Experiments in Sustainability in the Cape Town Region. Chapter 9. Jacana Media, Aukland Park, South Africa.
With Lucien le Grange
Edited by Mark Swilling, Sustainability Institute and Sun Press.
Presented at the SAHF 'Spotlight on housing for 2010' conference, Cape Town, 11-14 October 2009.
Masilonyane Mokhele
Draft paper prepared for Urban Landmark.
Chapter 18. in M. van Donk, M. Swilling, e. Pieterse & s. Parnell (Eds.) (2008). Consolidating Development Local Government - Lessons from the South African Experience.
The Office of The Presidency - Spatial Planning
Planning Africa 2006, Cape Town, South Africa, Cape Town, South Africa, March 2006
Presented at the Community Healing Regional Conference hosted by: The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, Cape Town, 22-24 October 2005.
Prepared for the ISANDLA Institute, 2005
Presented to the Community Healing Regional Conference Hosted by: The Institute for Justice and Reconciliation, Cape Town, October 2005
XXXIII IAHS World Congress on Housing. Transforming Housing Environments through Design, Pretoria, South Africa, September 2005
Planning: Architectural and Planning Review for Southern Africa, June 2003